Accessibility Assessment Tools
- How to make common word processing documents more accessible
- An example of a Mozilla browser plugin for removing clutter
Checking code
- Calculate the readability of a web page
- W3C tool for validating markup by URI
- W3C tool for validating CSS by URI
- Evaluate the accessibility of web pages or HTML
Checking color
Floe works with many international standards organizations to ensure that emerging technical standards are inclusively designed. In particular, Floe works with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
The W3C develops web-related standards, the best known of which is probably HTML. The W3C process attempts to ensure accessibility is considered in all of its standards; in addition, several accessibility-focused standards have been produced. These are:
- Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA): defines a technology for making dynamic web applications more accessible.
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): guidelines for creating accessible web sites.
- Authoring Tool Accessibility (ATAG): guidelines for developing authoring tools that encourage and support authors to create accessible web sites.
- User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG): guidelines for developers of browsers, media players, etc. that facilitate accessible use.
Floe also works with:
- IMS Global Learning Consortium: Floe has been involved with ensuring inclusive design considerations are part of IMS Standards and has led the AccessForAll standard development.
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO): Floe has been most involved with the development of ISO/IEC 24751 Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training, which is based on the IMS AccessForAll standard.