EPUB 3 Resources

Article Contents
  1. EPUB3 Overview - www.idpf.org/epub/30/spec/epub30-overview.html - answers basic questions about what is EPUB, what it is capable of, and how it can be used.
  2. HTML 5 vs. EPUB 3 - http://toc.oreilly.com/2012/09/html5-is-the-way-forward.html - at 9:25 describes the current state of eReaders vs. HTML 5 in browsers. Example used was a Nook eReader unable to display canvas elements in an EPUB, but was able to render it using the Nook Browser.
  3. Why EPUB 3 is still relevant, despite HTML5 - http://www.heliconbooks.com/article/epub3vshtml5.
  4. Adding interactivity to EPUB (Video, 2010) - http://blog.safaribooksonline.com/2010/06/02/interactivity-in-epub-using-javascript-html5-and-css3-beaidpf-video-posted/
  5. “Accessible EPUB 3” by Matt Garrish (free download, but requires setting up an account) - http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920025283.do
  6. EPUB Samples Project - https://code.google.com/p/epub-samples/downloads/list
  7. “Create rich-layout publications in EPUB 3 with HTML5, CSS3, and MathML” by IBM Developer Works - http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/x-richlayoutepub/index.html
  8. Creating EPUB from HTML - http://webdesign.about.com/od/epub/a/build-an-epub.htm
  9. Calibre eBook: http://calibre-ebook.com/ - editor, converter, and viewer. Open source GNU GPL v3.
  10. MathJax.org (Date unknown) - Resource has catered EPub 3 information to show where MathLM is supported
  11. EPUBTest Results - Development is sponsored by the Daisy Consortium and the Book Industry Study Group. Copyright International Digital Publishing Forum.
  12. Tablets, Ereaders Lead to More Reading (October 17, 2013) - Showing statistics in the US that show the increase in reading due to the increase in digital ebook devices
  13. Accessible EReaders Sourcing An Accessible EReader (May 20, 2014) by Tim Lohman - http://www.accessiq.org/news/news/2014/05/accessible-e-readers-sourcing-an-accessible-e-reader - review of accessible ereaders
  14. Accessibility Screening Methodology Guidelines and Checklist by Daisy Consortium - http://www.daisy.org/accessibility-screening-methodology-guidelines-and-checklist.html - a checklist to help evaluate the accessibility features of a reader system
  15. Poet Image Description Tool - http://diagramcenter.org/development/poet.html. A web-based tool for creating and providing guidelines to writing image descriptions for images in existing DAISY and EPUB books.
  16. MathML Cloud Tool - http://mathmlcloud.org. A math conversion tool that creates both images and alternative descriptions of math equations on the fly.
